6 Tips To Help Relieve Bloating


Abdominal bloating is a common problem caused by air or gas filling the gastrointestinal tract. It can make the stomach look bigger and other symptoms can include pain, burping and flatulence. Bloating can be a symptom of some serious medical conditions, but it is normally due to diet or food intolerances. Common foods intolerances that can cause bloating include eggs, lactose, fructose, wheat and gluten.

Tips to avoid bloating:

  • Try to reduce swallowing too much air and gas by eating slowly, avoiding chewing gum, limiting fizzy drinks and not drinking through a straw.

  • Some foods high in fibre such as beans, lentils and cruciferous vegetables can cause gas. Take note of the foods that cause issues and limit them.

  • Fatty foods can slow down digestion and emptying of the stomach. For some people this can cause bloating.

  • Limit sugar alcohols such as xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol found in sugar free foods and chewing gum. They can cause digestive issues for some people.

  • Avoid constipation by increasing water intake and physical activity. Adding fibre is normally helpful for constipation, but for some people this may worsen bloating.

  • Taking probiotics may help to alleviate bloating by increasing the variety of bacteria and improving gut health.

 If bloating is interrupting your everyday life and is painful or is getting worse, it is advisable to make an appointment to see a doctor.

You may also check out this article for more ways to get rid of bloating.

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