3 Incredibly Effective Weight Loss Tips

Firstly, it’s important to outline that sustained weight loss only occurs when we are using up more calories each day, more so than the amount we consume. 

This difference is called a ‘calorie deficit’. 

Your body cannot function if it isn’t receiving the amount of calories it needs, so as a result it sources the calories from your body’s reserves, that’s right: 

Your body fat. 

With this in mind I’m going to outline 3 very effective methods to assist you in creating that calorie deficit on your weight loss journey. 



Protein is a phenomenally useful tool to focus on along a weight loss journey. 

The main reasons for this is that when you consume high levels of protein in each meal, it helps you feel full, and also as it is digested, up to 30% of the energy consumed from protein can be ‘lost’ in the process of digestion. 

In simple terms for someone wanting to lose weight, if they had 100 calories of protein in a meal, up to 30 of those calories may not be used with it being lost throughout the digestive process. The scientific term for this is ‘TEF’ or the ‘Thermic Effect of Food’! 

Aim for a really good quality serving of protein in every one of your meals and you’ll easily tick this off. 

How cool is that?! 


Fibre is one of the most underutilised tools in the weight loss world. The reason being is that the fibre we find surrounding the cells which make up fruit and veg; cannot be easily digested by our body and like protein will also result in you feeling fuller for longer. 

If those cells have calories contained within them, and our body cannot access them, then you can now eat something which passes through the whole of your digestive system untouched without accessing the calories! 

This is why (glamorously) items like nuts, sweetcorn and veg can appear, let’s just say, ‘at the other end’ seemly still intact! The fibre you consume essentially displaces food where calories can be readily accessed in the digestive process. 

Have at least 2 portions of fruit and/or veg as part of every meal and again you’ll easily hit tick this box and increase your rate of weight loss. 


We have to respect the fact that we are all human. Humans experience a range of emotions throughout the course of a day, and especially as the weeks go by. 

Sometimes your boss at work makes you super unhappy, sometimes the kids get up at stupid-o-clock leaving you short on sleep, sometimes your personal relationships are strains for a variety of reasons. 

The reason why I’m sharing this point is that you cannot expect to be angry or sad for example, and at that exact moment make a fantastic decision on what to eat/drink in line with your weight loss goals too. The majority of people will likely reach for the glass of wine, the comfort food, the biscuits… whatever it is that takes you out of that negative place and gives you the instant hit of comfort. 

If you have planned out your intakes? The likelihood of making emotional decisions instead of goal-based decisions is therefore drastically reduced.  Check out our Meal Prepping Guide HERE

Set 15-30mins aside each weekend to plan out your intakes and you’ll tick off the last of the super-effective strategies for weight loss!

If you need help with achieving weight loss feel free to WhatsApp me HERE and find out about our services




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