Casein: The Other Dairy Protein

Whey protein is the go-to supplement for many pro and recreational athletes but there is another valuable milk-based protein: casein. Whey and casein while both milk proteins differ in their bioavailability and their effects of muscle growth and repair.

 Benefits of Casein

 1.    Lingers for Longer

Casein provides the body with a slow, steady flow of amino acids for a longer period than most whey or other plant or animal proteins.

 2.    Muscle and Strength Gains

Multiple research studies have demonstrated the effect of casein’s anti-catabolic properties that protect muscles from breakdown and lead to greater strength and muscle gains. 

 3.    Metabolic Side Effects

As a side-effect of its slower rate of digestion research has shown that casein helps improve metabolic rate, this will also help you feel fuller for longer.

 4.    Healthier Teeth and Bones

Milk and dairy are concentrated calcium sources that can help keep the teeth and bones strong. Plus some studies have shown that compounds in casein-rich foods can help prevent the effects of enamel erosion.

 Casein- Rich Foods

∙       Cow, goat & sheep dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream

∙       Dairy-free or non-dairy products

∙       Cottage cheese

∙       Baby formula

∙       Baked goods

∙       Casein protein powder supplements


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