Body Image

We often think of anorexia nervosa or bulimia as eating disorders that often occur in young teenage girls, yet a 2015 study found that 1 in 4 eating disorders occur in males. While another Australian study has reported that less than 1% of eating disorder research has been conducted exclusively on males…


In this ever-evolving digital age, we know that body image pressures are negatively impacting everyone’s mental health and wellbeing, and while the ladies may talk about it, most men still do not.


Low levels of testosterone have been shown to be correlated with depression and mood swings. Thanks to the ongoing pandemic we are all armchair experts in pharmacy, so perhaps men and boys of all ages may now think twice before popping a needle in their buttocks or dropping a pill to enhance their body composition, however eating disorders are still a huge concern.


Look out for some tell-tale signs that may help you recognise someone suffering silently:

 -        Diet after diet after diet

-        Low self-esteem

-        No camera on personal or work video calls

-        Prioritises gym or physical activity etc over life and social events

-        Perfectionism


Mental health is delicate, while the whole world needs opportunities to create awareness and conversations around positive body image and healthy food choices, these situations should be approached with an open heart, mind, and discretion where appropriate.

Here are some recommended readings: and and

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